Where are You with Codependency
We don’t have to fix, rescue, or control others nor should we allow them to control us. We’re free to care for ourselves and seek change in our own lives.
We don’t have to fix, rescue, or control others nor should we allow them to control us. We’re free to care for ourselves and seek change in our own lives.
Boundaries define and protect who we are, what we value, and what we are responsible for. They keep us safe, and we have the right to ensure our own well-being.
For a codependent person stuck in a dysfunctional relationship, there are significant losses: sanity, worth, identity, choice, health, self-respect, and hopes and dreams.
The other person may not look needy, but something in us senses that they could be better with our help, and the dance begins.
Codependency is an adaptive coping mechanism used compulsively by those who seek to obtain a personal sense of worth and value through meeting the perceived needs of others.
© 2025 · New Direction Christian Coaching.