We’ve all got that certain something or maybe a lack of something that makes us unique. A combination of traits and qualities forms our character making our behavior fairly easy to predict by our family, friends, and coworkers most of the time. Psalm 139 tells us that God infuses us with talents, abilities, and gifts before we are even born. In other words, God wires us for success! But the story doesn’t end there. The path to our success is shaped by our personality and our personality takes cues from our environment. The moment we are born our interaction with our environment starts influencing how we behave, relate, and feel. That’s why no two people are alike.
Knowing this, it is necessary to make sure we align our mind with God to recognize and develop qualities using His guidance rather than what the world provides for us. It’s important to feel good about yourself so you can achieve. This means some beliefs we have about ourselves should be challenged. They may have been formed when we were young and based on what someone else said. Paraphrasing what the Bible says, we shouldn’t try to feel like we’re better than others but we shouldn’t feel less than them either. Accepting who you are – your God-given identity – means you realize you are a mixture of good and bad. God accepts us that way. Jesus makes up for the lack we have in ourselves. And it’s on this basis that we have the best chance of being emotionally and spiritually balanced. This takes work and a new direction. It’s good to be mindful of the ideas you accept taking them captive to God, learning what he says is truth, and allowing this to influence your behaviors, relations, thoughts, and feelings.
Your personality is a gift from God…what makes you valuable?